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Journey Playlists

"It felt like years of therapy in one session. I've done countless journeys, but had never been personally guided. My session with Victoria was transformative. She discovered the root of a core wound and took my back in time to repattern it."
—Award-winning Executive Creative Producer and Director

"Before my journey, gratitude was only a mental exercise...I couldn't feel it in my body. After my journey with Victoria, gratitude has become the default feeling I have toward everything in my life: my company, my wife, my children, and my friends."
—Co-founder and CEO of a consumer tech company

"I've experienced several journeys before, but I had so many epiphanies from my journey with Victoria that I still think about it daily even 6 months later. Victoria's incredible voice variables and intentional arc to the experience made me feel immersed and held in my journey the whole time. If you're looking for a profound transformation, I cannot recommend this enough!"
—Founder and CEO of a kombucha company

✓ Feel at ease in yourself. Experience deep trust knowing that everything works out. Let go of any fear, confusion or resistance. Release judgement of self and others. Free yourself from the stress and anxiety of needing to know and control.

✓ Create a new story with your past. Re-write history and experience your family lineage through a new lens. The relationship with your family is the model for every other relationship in your life including the one with yourself. Give yourself a clean slate.

✓ Hop into a time machine and experience your future. Get clarity on why you are really here. Connect the dots. Make your future a memory. When all is said and done, look back on your life knowing you fully lived it.

✓ Get all your questions answered. Connect to your inner wisdom, power, and truth. Listen for guidance. Expand the possibilities for what you can be and have. Trust your voice, trust your sight, trust yourself.